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Week 4

It has been said that week 4 of your vacation is the week you decide not to come back, but that's not what I've found. Call me selfish and ungrateful, but week 4 is the week where I want to go home. I miss dry air, dry skin, dry pages in the book I'm reading, you people, curly hair, television, going to bed late, sleeping late, the lack of chickens, lizards outside only, beaches where you don't go in the water because it's not sensible, clouds, blankets, water pressure, reasonably priced food, my car, my dog, my yoga mat, my bed, Green Lake, crisp air, cold rivers, good hard cider, socks, sleeves, salmon, apples, constructive activity, and many, many other things.

I haven't been posting much lately, but here's what's new:
• I don't get scared when snorkeling anymore. Last trip it took a week, this time it took a month, so that's probably not progress.
• I can read a book in a day, if pressed. Reinforcements were sought from the only decent bookstore on the island.
• Chilly and muggy is much better than hot and muggy.
• I don't know how to cook. (Well, that's not really new, is it?)
• I gravitate towards large, cheap jewelry.

Comments (2)

Other Former Roomie:

There, there... you'll get back to damp, chilly, foggy Seattle town soon enough. I found that it took me a little while to actually get used to the quiet in the morning. I kind of miss the chickens. I also miss wearing my sarong. I realize that I can put it on here, but it's just not the same. I would gladly switch places with you... but I don't think you'd like my cat. So what's the deal with the large, cheap jewelry?


yeah... the jewelry... i think i might be picturing mrs. roper. ;o) i, for one, am glad you've decided to come back. see you soon!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 5, 2007 8:14 AM.

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The next post in this blog is I'M BACK! (from Kalalau Trail).

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