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Shark attack!

Well, not really a shark attack, but I did see a shark today when we were snorkeling at Tunnels. I almost told Danika I didn't want to go snorkeling. I am sure glad we went. I had the camera and got a few photos. None of the photos turned out that great, but here is the best one.

There were a bunch of fish swimming around the shark. I yelled at them to RUN!!! But they didn't listen (I think either because they don't understand english, or they don't know how to run, just swim). I think the shark was asleep. I cut my arm open because I thought my blood might jazz him up a bit. When he woke up, he just gave me a funny look and said I was stupid for cutting my arm. Then I swam away. True story... really. Well the part about seeing a shark was true, and I did try to yell, but it is hard to yell underwater with a snorkel in your mouth.

Comments (1)


fish can be so arrogant sometimes.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 7, 2007 4:35 PM.

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